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  • The matrix : We all are one!

    “In a broader prospective, we all have the same features, same body, same skin, same hands, and most of all, the same connection of feelings!” Well most of us did feel that something does actually connect us with one another some time or later, right? Now, the thing is, how far is this right? Do we actually are connected, or is it just another misconception. We are yet to find out, or probably, we are yet to read out. According to me, we are connected. Everyone of us. We think together, might not live together, but certainly share the same thoughts which actually is an outcome of something really huge. Something unimaginable. The farthest I can go in this theory is by best giving you an example. And that could possibly be the Matrix. Think of the Matrix as a huge database where every thing is stored. Everything. Every single thing that can possibly be existing on this earth, and every possible thing that can thought of. Yes, that is a HUGE database. And the best part of this database is that every existing person on this earth has a permit to extract data from it. All you have to know is how to do it. You can be everything you want and anything you just have to know how to do it. There are billions of people connected to this database consciously and unconsciously. Right this moment, you are connected to it. What you do, what you think, everything is extracted from the database with our without your knowing. What your friends think about you, or what you think about them, both your thoughts are connected. The simplest example of this is when you think bad about someone, you notice him/her turning bad against you automatically. You might have not thought about this change in character before, but now you know so try putting the practical to theory. They change because your thoughts towards them change. And the reason why your thoughts change them is because you all are connected. You all are a part of the same massive database, the Matrix. Actually, this theory can be expanded to no limits, but I would like to end it with a great saying that “treat others the way you want to be treated”. I certainly think that the person who said that definitely had an idea of the Matrix! Rest is up to you, crazy minds! #body #hands #feelings #matrix #exactly #same #ears

  • Curses: The Ugly Truth.

    “Curses can be defined as an verbal threat leading to an undefined action.” Let’s now get inside the working of a curse. Most of the people curse when they find themselves helpless and utterly irritated due to some defined cause. Curse is just an verbal set of words which threaten to cause pain in the life of the listener. Well, that’s pretty much obvious, no one curses when they are happy! But had anyone taken an initiative to see how far deep this goes? Does an curse really work? If yes, then how? And if no, then why not? It is indeed an interesting topic to debate on. Well, since ages all the saints and sadhus have been cursing the people they hate. But did the curse actually show its black magic or was it the sins of the people which turned the coarse around? Now, the sins also open up a new topic to be debated on. Let’s just hang on with the curses for now. I honestly do not think a bunch of words can cause pain in one’s life. But there have been people cursing, and there have been people affected by it. There certainly had to be an inner, or should I say, a deep connection which is yet to be cleared that causes the curse to work, if at all it does. Now let’s get deeper into this thought. When you curse someone with full anger, it causes all your negative vibes to collect in one place and released in to the body of the victim. And if at all curses do work, this might be one of the all possible reasons for the same. And as the law of nature states, thoughts attract what we think, the more negative you get, the more negative vibes you attract. That said, it can be debated that what affect does the victim’s thoughts have on the curse given to him/her. Interestingly, the victim has a better control over his life than the person who is trying to take control. So, if the victim manages to generate more positive vibes, the law of attraction will obviously come to the picture and that would help the victim to escape the curse. Trust me, it’s all theory. And how far is my theory right or wrong, lets leave it to the thinkers. Let us get back to the definition that I had stated at the beginning of this post. “Curses can be defined as an verbal threat leading to an undefined action.” Yes, they are indeed verbally said. I call them threat because it develops a fear in the minds of the victim. It can also be called an undefined action because I do not think there is any action which is taking place. The closest relative to a curse so far remains a threat. A threat is a verbal saying which may or may not lead to action. But, a curse is a verbal saying that is just said. Threat and curses are often misjudged. Threatening someone means that you may or may not let the action take its path. But, when you curse someone, do you think you are actually going to ruin his/her life? That is my question, does curses actually work? The law of nature tells us that we are the only ones who can control our lives, and we are the only ones who can actually change our lives. And according to deep research, your life is totally a reflection of what you were thinking all this while. If you were thinking to be an criminal, you might end up becoming one. Or if you were among those backbenchers who were thinking some creative stuff other than paying attention on the lessons thought, you might land up becoming the second Steve Jobs! Taking the law of nature into consideration, no nature has given any one a right to control your life. Even the genie from Alladin, tells us that he can do anything except make a person fall in love against their will. So, if you be a more open minded, I think you can definitely not allow a curse to take control of your life. I do not think science will ever be able to prove the theory of curses right or wrong, because science is basically developed on the bases of proofs, and here, its no proof, just theory all around! The more I think about this, the more curious I become. Did you ever think black magics work? Is it just an illusion? I have no idea. That was the best answer you could come up with, right? If I was you, I wouldn’t let anyone’s curses affect my life. After all, no one can control my life but me. I am the god in my life and I think my life is a reflection of each and every thing I ever thought and wanted. Now, guys, its up to you to decide how much of this post is true. I gave my piece of objectives that make me think that curses do not work. Its all theory, folks! #unbelievable #lawofattraction #belief #laws #pain #life #truth #sadness #curse #ugly

  • The Kind World.

    “Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.“ Think about a world, where all the people are kind to each other. Yes, that’s right. Each and every single person on this earth is kind. What would happen? Will there be a totally peaceful world, or will that give rise to another kind of intolerable world. We are yet to find out. First of all, it would feel awesome at first. Imagine that there will be no people left on this world who hate you or who will reject your proposal, or who will not agree to do anything for you. That sounds cool right. If you ever need anyone’s help, you can always go to any person you want and he/she will be always ready to help. That’s nice. Then, you will not have anyone trying to pull your back, or any enemies, or people who criticise you, or people who trick you, or people who will always try to find faults in you. You will not have any people who are ready to fight with you, or people who will bully you for no reason. All kinds of people who are hated by others will vanish. That’s safe, isn’t it? Third, since you have so many people to help you, you will never run out of contacts or resources who are willing to help you. That way, you can seek instant help since just any random person is there to hold your back. Since so many people are there to help you, this might cause a bit of unusualness and awkwardness, and a lot of arguments. Let me explain. Imagine you are asking someone for help. At that same instance, someone else also hears your request. And before the first person is able to reply, the second person agrees to help. But the first person insists that he should help. The second person too insists that he should help instead. This will become an unnecessary topic for a argument. Both the people start fighting to decide who will help, and whoa! You suddenly have a fight in this fully kind world! That seems weird right? Indeed! That is not all, if you have so many kind people all at once, there will be nothing to prove. Yes, the value of kind people will decrease since all of them are kind. No longer will someone tell, “How kind he is!” or “Thanks, you’re so kind!’. Kindness, will become something very common. So common that kindness will not be called “kindness” anymore. You read that right. There will be nothing called “kindness”. It will be like a common attitude that everyone shares. So ultimately, “kindness” will end even though it exists in everyone. So, what my point was that, if every single person on this earth becomes kind, there will be no kindness left in anyone. At the end, I would like to say that bad people are important. At least, for the sake of the existence of kindness. As the saying goes, “Truth prevails over false. But truth prevails only because false exists.” Hope that answered the question. Happy wondering, guys and girls!! #people #everyone #kindness #world #help #awkwardness #love #kindfull #nature #kind #safety #affection #awesomeness #weirdness #arguments

  • Love: Heart, or Brain?

    “Love is an intense feeling of deep affection” Did anyone ever wonder why the poor human organ “heart” is related to the terms love, affection, happiness, attraction, and all the other forms of intense feelings? Does the heart actually think and feel? Most of us know the heart as an organ which pumps purified blood to all other parts of our body. But when the topic love comes up, we hear everyone telling sentences like “From the bottom of my heart…”, ” My heart beats for you…”, etc. Why is it that there is a mention of the heart whenever the topic of love is discussed. It is indeed an interesting topic to wonder about. People often call the heart as an innocent, blind creature. I do not know how far that is true. But what I do know is that the human heart is greedy. Yes, greedy for love. It needs love. When it gets love, it needs more love, and then more and more. That is why most of the people often fall in love, and the sad part of their story is that they often tend to be on the giving side, and not the receiving side. Either way, their hearts are giving love, or receiving love. Talking about love, it is an intense feeling of deep affection. I am talking about loving a person, and not other aspects of love. How many of us actually think that it is in our hearts that we love someone? Well, you can keep your views. Lets go deeper into reality. There are three parts, or sections, of our brain. The concious mind, the unconscious mind, and the subconscious mind. Let me brief you about the three. We will, for now, focus mainly on the subconscious mind as it is often blamed for every belief, and every feeling that you hate, or love. The conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about in a rational way. The unconscious mind (or the unconscious) consists of the processes in the mind that occur automatically and are not available to introspection, and include thought processes, memory, affect, and motivation. And now, coming to the subconscious mind: Think of the subconscious mind as the storage room of everything that is currently not in your conscious mind. The subconscious mind stores all of your previous life experiences, your beliefs, your memories, you skills, all situations you’ve been through and all images you’ve ever seen. That might probably give you an information on the three main parts of our brains. Now, how is it related to love and heart? Well, the thing is, heart is never related to love according to me. It is just an misterm to the subconscious mind in the aspect of love. Heart is an organ which pumps blood, and in any way cannot be compared to the brain, which not only has to ability to control every processes in our body, but also an super power to think logically. Then, why was it associated with love?  It seems to me that when most people say “heart” when referring to love, they are mostly talking about an obscure unseen part of them that houses their emotions. In the west, we consider the mind (or the intellect) and the heart to be two separate things. This, I’m pretty sure, comes from classical Greek philosophy, such as Plato and Aristotle. However, in ancient Hebrew, for example, as I understand it there was only one word for both the place in a human for the intellect and emotions, which is typically translated in the Bible as the “spirit,” and that was what they associated with love. So I guess the idea of “heart and love” is pretty much clear now to everyone who read this post. Now the main question, how is love a quest for more? Did anyone fall in love? Most of them did, and those who didn’t, will probably fall soon. Had anyone noticed that once we are in love, we want more and more love? Heartbreaks are often sure in most of the cases, but still, we do manage to move on and continue living life with love. How does that occur? Why do we still believe in love deep down in our brains, when we are actually heart broken from the top? Well, the point is, our subconscious mind readily believes in love. And you cannot change anything in your subconscious mind until you bypass the conscious mind. We will go deeper into that condition later, for now lets keep them at the bay. “Live life with love, or else you die everyday.” That said, it is more easy to win hearts by love than by hatred, right? I guess I answered most of the questions through this post. Well, now its up to you to decide whether you will continue to associate the heart with love or not. According to me, lets just pretend we do not know the truth and continue linking the heart with love. After all, who likes “I love you from the deeper part of my brain” than “I love you from the bottom of my heart”? #feeling #consciousmind #subconsciousmind #unconsciousmind #relationship #deep #love #brain #heart #affection

  • Sixth Sense : Concept or hidden truth?

    “Woah! Is someone standing behind me? Or is it just my weird feeling! No wait… its my sixth sense, right?” We have seen it in Spiderman as the “Spidey Sense”, we have seen it in Superman, we have seen it in almost every super hero, but have we seen it in us? Actually, there has to be someone who actually felt this sense before and decided to make up a fictional character, and since Science proved us that we have only five senses, it was a instant hit! Now what’s weird is that, we ourselves feel this every now and then. How many of us had that weird feeling that some one is behind our back, or maybe the feeling of some one watching us, or that feeling that someone is looking into our direction, even though we are not looking towards them? All the questions have one and only one answer, its our Sixth Sense working for us! Pretty awesome right? But obviously, this doesn’t mean that we can pull out web from our hands, or probably circle around the earth.. that’s all truly fictional folks! Scientist have been working real hard to prove this awesome feature of our body as a truth, and so far, its all good news. It seems to me that there is a pigment layer in our eyes which can sense small amounts of heat and presence around us, and via nerves sends messages to our brain. Since we all know our bodies are made up of heat, this might sound convincing. But still, proves are to be handed! Well, we all do feel it at times, and most of the times, we end up seeing someone behind us. Science tells us that there are different ways to which different brains of different people react. Some are more sensitive to presence around us, while some do not feel any thing at all. It completely depends on the capacity and power of the brain. But, in general, the sixth sense plays an important role. One thing should be taken care of here is, note that sixth sense should not be compared to visions. Both are entirely different concepts. I accept the fact that it would be fun to compare those two around some time later! Right now, sixth sense, is true? Or is just a fictional power? Actually, its totally up to you to decide whether this is true or not. But I consider this to be a topic which needs a serious lift. How many of us have that feeling of guilt that some one is watching us when we are doing something wrong? Maybe its just the sub conscious mind working, or maybe… its the sixth sense playing a role again? The real surprise comes to us when we prove ourselves that some one was actually watching us! See, the whole point of this post is to help you decide whether you want to believe in this or not. Next time when you feel that some one is standing behind you, or whether someone is looking at you, try giving a serious thought to this! Cheers! #unbelievable #body #pigment #watching #belief #awesome #consciousmind #feelings #concepts #subconsciousmind #spiderman #sixthsense #reflecting #deep #eyes #brain #life #fiction #truth #weirdness

  • How does my hand prove my fate?

    “We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.” One of the most fascinating studies of modern day’s world is Astrology. Basically, astrology deals in The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs. Now, the real question that is bound on to the minds of the commoners is that “How far is astrology really true?” And since, Astrology has no scientific validation, we have to get serious about this sooner or later. From the enormous amount of research I’v been doing on this subject, lets make the point clearer to you. Many people readily believe in Astrology. Some claim that their belief in astrology was because of the experiences they went through in their lives. They say that the astrologer they have been going to “predicts” their future, and so far all is true for them. While, others ignore Astrology and consider it a mere business to earn profits by tricking the customers. Now, which of these proposed ideas is true, we have to find out. Astrology is basically a form of science in which the practitioner makes some complicated calculations regarding the motion and position of the various planets in the solar system and make predictions on the basis of this calculations. But the concept of making predictions on the basis of calculations about a person’s life and his forthcoming future is a matter of suspicion. First of all, it depends on the exact birth time, which is I feel very difficult to get. Secondly, it is based on some complicated calculations based on the position and the movement of the planets. Generally astrologers ask you different types of questions to catch your problem and accordingly will suggest you some stones to buy from him only. Some say it is only a business. Going back to the ending of 19th Century, there are ancient Indian Astrologers who have “predicted” the future of others as correct as to a point. Well, you just cannot call that guess work each and every time. The arguments, just never seem to end. From the ancient world, it has therefore been argued that astrology began as a study as soon as human beings made conscious attempts to measure, record, and predict seasonal changes by reference to astronomical cycles. Early evidence of such practices appears as markings on bones and cave walls, which show that lunar cycles were being noted as early as 25,000 years ago; the first step towards recording the Moon’s influence upon tides and rivers, and towards organizing a communal calendar. Agricultural needs were also met by increasing knowledge of constellations, whose appearances change with the seasons, allowing the rising of particular star-groups to herald annual floods or seasonal activities. By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed sophisticated awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented their temples to create alignment with the helical risings of the stars. There is scattered evidence to suggest that the oldest known astrological references are copies of texts made during this period. By the 17th century, in England, astrology had reached its zenith. Astrologers were theorists, researchers, and social engineers, as well as providing individual advice to everyone from monarchs downwards. Among other things, astrologers could advise on the best time to take a journey or harvest a crop, diagnose and prescribe for physical or mental illnesses, and predict natural disasters Astrology saw a popular revival from the 19th century as part of a general revival of spiritualism and later New Age philosophy, and through the influence of mass media such as newspaper horoscopes. In the West there have been occasional reports of political leaders consulting astrologers. In India, there is a long-established and widespread belief in astrology. It is commonly used for daily life, particularly in matters concerning marriage and career, and makes extensive use of electional, horary and karmic astrology. Astrology has not demonstrated its effectiveness in controlled studies and has no scientific validity, and as such, is regarded as pseudoscience. Therefore, it’s not proven that Astrology is correct. So, in the end, it’s all up to you. Astrology does not predict anything in your life. It just shows a period where something is bound to happen, and it all depends on how good is the astrologer’s guesswork. And since it’s not an approved science, well, we have no reason to believe in it. And if are still not convinced, well then, keep believing in it. That’s all from this side. #business #people #stars #belief #horoscope #planets #prediction #science #ancient #astrology #money #life #fake #astrologist

  • Doing just nothing!

    “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life yet.” Well, there’s something freaky in store for you in case you have lost your mind reading my previous blog posts. So, what exactly are you doing when you do nothing? Yes, you read that right, what are we doing when we are doing nothing. Just nothing. The answer is as simple as the question: “Nothing”. If we go look clearly, our body is doing a huge amount of work even when we are not doing anything. This work is done so that our body’s essential processes do not stop, and we keep ourselves healthy and running! So, how much exactly is our body doing when we pretend to do nothing? You’ll be surprised that an average school going boy of height 65 inches and his age being 15 years spends about 1393.81 calories when he is doing nothing. That is pretty impressive, right? That is not all, when you do nothing, you waste 60 seconds with every minute passing by. And if you are a couch potato, and spend an average of an hour everyday doing nothing then you actually waste 365 hours doing nothing every year. And believe me, in these 365 hours, you can do fabulous things, instead of just lying down, and doing nothing. Indeed, small hours get together to make a big year! Well said, nah? To continue giving you shocks, let me ask you something, how many of us have seen those second hands in a clock stay in one position for a little longer than usual. This usually happens when we quickly look at the clock and then turn to look at an object away from the clock, and then suddenly, look at the clock again.The second hand would appear to move from where you first saw it, but in reality, you are seeing it after around 3 seconds.(This wholly depends on how long you look at the other object!) Well, I would not go into details, but those fraction of seconds that our brain loses to capture, add up to an huge amount in a course of an entire day. To get you up your chair, 40 minutes of sight are lost everyday when we move our eyeballs. Pretty awesome, right? Hmm..that said, I don’t think that we would stop telling people that we are doing nothing. But yes, in the back of our minds, we would certainly know that while we are doing nothing, we are actually doing a lot of things unknowingly. Happy working, guys and gals! #weight #lazy #couchpotato #calories #sight #facts #seconds #awesome #lost #work #hours #nothing #doing #eyes #freaky #time

  • I’m alive!

    “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.” ― Erma Bombeck I’m still alive. I cannot feel anything, but I can certainly hear everything. I have cancer. Brain tumour, to its severe stages. The people already consider me dead. No they haven’t informed my family. I can hear them talk and they seem to plan on telling them this afternoon as soon as they confirm my death. I cannot move any part of my body, not even my eyes. My heart skips almost every alternate beat and is slowing down every second. I can feel no pain. The doctors closed my eyes to prevent extra pressure on the optic centre of my brain, which was close to the sight of infection, earlier. I know I am going to die, but I still am alive. I try lifting my hand, but I’m scared. I heard the doctors tell my family that even the slightest pressure in this stage can cause permanent damage, and I will eventually die.  I do not believe them. I command my hand to lift itself, but it’s impossible. One part of my brain, the ventral tegmental area, dies with that very thought of action. My heart starts beating fast, and I can hear the beep of the machine go louder. All I can hear is the doctors panicking, as I can make out from their conversation. All of a sudden, I feel a low thud, and my heart stops. Within very few seconds, I lose my hearing sensation, and all I can see is darkness. I do not even know what colour it is. But, I’m still alive, and they do not know it. I am energy. I feel very light, and I can feel negative. Probably those are the electrons working. But, overall I am neutral. Within few seconds I feel something. I feel my senses back. My atoms clinch together firmly, and I can see light. A white light, to be precise. I fly into it. Everything else is darkness. I have always wondered what Heaven looked like, or even Hell for that matter. Probably that is what I am heading for. As I enter the white light, I can see all the things that I had done as a human. Every single thing is playing on the fast forward mode. Wait, I pause. My family has arrived in the hospital and all of them are broken. Heart broken. I look at them, and smile. No smile, actually. I am just a small collection of tight atoms, and the rest of them are trying to catch up with my other atoms. Suddenly, the white light vanishes and I come back to darkness, There is only darkness. I cannot move, there is no body to move.  I only float. Like float in water. Suddenly, I see yellow light, and a door opening. My friend comes inside, as I realise I am back to my old house. My uncle had brought this soon after we left it. I feel good coming back to earth. I float to another side of the house, when my friend gets so scared that he slams three fat books towards my direction. I am invisible, and all I can feel is a feather touch, and the three books fly through me. I want to tell him that I am not here to scare him. Actually I, myself, don’t know why I am brought here. I even call out his name, but no sound comes out. He feels it, I know it. Because the next second I see him under the bed, crying. I feel pity for him, so I head towards the main door of the house. As I try walking past it I get stuck in the thick wood of the door, Or maybe because somebody does not want me to leave this place. I wonder why. I stay there, in one corner. Seeing nothing, feeling nothing, hearing nothing, and moving nothing. I have no emotions, no body to start with, and every few seconds I change forms into something different. My colour is transparent and I feel neutral: atoms are neutral. I knew there would be no Hell, or Heaven, either. If there was, then why didn’t I see it? Does God exist? Is he the one who transferred me here? I’ll bet no, he isn’t. I did not meet any one. I did not even go through any places. All I remember seeing was my life’s recap, and the white light which brought me here. As I start thinking, I realise that these people of the house want me out of the place. They keep referring to me as Evil Spirit, and they also brought a holy man to do some mantras to remove me out of this place. After half an hour of the long religious program, I feel even more light. I feel broken when my atoms start losing electrons, and they turn into something else. Within few minutes I am totally apart. Every atom is no more, and every electron has ran into something else. With the few atoms I can recollect, I gradually lose my ability to attract my kinds, and all I can do is, brake apart. Five minutes after the holy program ended, I vanish. I don’t know what I am turned into. I lose all my memory, and everything I possibly had. Everything is dark again. Pitch black. The next second, I realise I am in a skin coloured bag. I do not know what it is. I am pushed outside by a force, and all I can see is doctors smiling. I start crying because I do not know what has happened, or where I am for that matter, too. I look down, and I recognise my mother. I smile to her telling her as if I know where I have come – back to square one. And that is how I take rebirth as a human. Energy that I was converted into, had lost its potential, and had attracted itself into the atoms of a small baby girl. #mother #death #ghosts #afterdeath #pooja #good #human #energy #Hindu #cancer #saints #spirit #heaven #life #God #heart #evil

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